as a sidenote: Why aren't we seeing more games like nexus?
First things first: I was gobsmacked when i learned today that BATTLEFFORGE has become free 2 play. In what i can only describe as a colossal kick in the guts for everyone who bought the game when it still changed hands for 50 bucks, EA must have decided that selling a game at full price and then charge again for more "content" (as far as anyone would call new cards content...) wasn't exactly the most ingenious of ideas.
So we basicly we now have a Trading card game that has a decent PC based foundation.
Curse or a blessing?
I tend to call it a blessing as it offers a truly different gameplay and is not infested with japime artstyle.
Its worth a look for everyone but be aware you gotta swallow a hefty 2,6 download and make around 8gb off hdd available.
SWORD OF THE STARS gets yet another addon, and i will love it.
SOTS has proven to me that, despite not being MoO2, 4x games can still suck me in.
SoTs is a rather special blend though, it minimized the micromanagement of your colonies (and seriously, them colonists had it coming, why do I need to tell everyone poersonaly what to do?! I'm tze bloody emperor not some lowly administrator!) in favour of assailing you with Agressive AI and random events that ranged from catasrophe to the big armageddon hoedown.
It's fun to manage your assets (fleets) to outmaneuver your opponents and gain a strategic advantage. And im talking STRATEGY here. Being able to intercept reinforcements before they can gather is VITAL to survive a sots game on higher difficulties and a challenge to pull off since the ai is very build happy on every world it owns.
The whole juggling of technolgies is a fun aspect either. Often you will find your ship setup that so easily vanquished the Tarkas Race to be totally ineffective against the other races.
Its a game of constant change and very entertaining if you let it draw you in.
It has problems though.
The key component, the tactical Combat is AWFUL on many levels.
Im not only talking about the rather weird control sheme but also about the outrageous hardware hunger the engine has.
I understand that an engine that keeps track of every bullet IS a hardware hog but why must it LOOK awful on top of that?
I'll gladly trade 50 Ships on the screen for 10 that look great and offer decent fx.
I want to point out that NEXUS - The juipiter incident had very good graphics while still running fine on a pentium III 800 with a geforce FX.
In many ways Nexus still holds the crown as far as Graphics in space tactical combat games go (well, not much competition though). Sure the game was buggy but all the pieces for greatness were there, it just lacked polish. (something Stardock has beome good at)
I now of course could give a link to a nexus vid but that would be wrong. We can't JUST look back can we? We will instead look back just enough so we can get a glimpse of how NEXUS 2 COULD have looked if it wasn't iced indefinetly due to some lawsuit clusterfuck.
Here is the same clip in High Quality and im talking HD here.;6335725;;/fileinfo.html
In fact i ORDER you to watch this instead of the youtube clip.
So here i am. I ask you, Kerberos games and all other developers: WTF do i NOT have THIS kinda Eye candy EXploding in my face but instead have to suffer through Bon-bon graphic-lagfests?
I dare you to show your face again with SOTS2 without graphics that equal this.
Please remember. its 3 YEARS OLD.
3 YEARS. And looks so awesome.
Thats what i want. It will run good on our PC's, it will look good. I'll buy this without second thought SO MAKE IT HAPPEN!
Oh and im giving away a 50% off coupon for DEMIGOD, the coupon is valid till 29th of may.
First come first serve